Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I make my own laundry soap & fabric softener.  I use
1  bar of  Fels Napa Bar soap grated
 1 cup of Borax 
1cup of Super Wash Soda
 1 cup of Oxi Clean

I also use a Black & Decker Food Processor to grate & mix the soaps.

 To mix & grate the bar soap.  Put one cup of one of the powered soap in the food processor before grating the bar soap.  It will make mixing easier.  Mix well before adding the other 2 cups of dry ingredients.  Once everything is mixed, store into a container. 

When removing the lid to the food processor, be careful of the dust.  Do not inhale the dust.

I have HE washer & use only one tbsp for a heavy load.   I use less for smaller loads.  

For the fabric softener, I use Distilled Vinegar & Essential Oils Tea Tree Oil & Lavender about 20 drops in 32 oz of vinegar.  If  you are using Tea Tree separate from the Lavender only put 10 drops from each.   

I use Tea Tree Oil to keep bugs away in the summer.  You can use whatever scent of oil you like. 
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