This post will not have a beautiful picture of nature. This post is addressing the pattern that has happened since Religion has began.
You read your Bible, go to church, have your Bible Study groups & volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, food pantry or thrift shop. You may even have the desire to go out into the community or other places in the world to spread the knowledge of who God is. Okay, stop right there. All that stuff is wonderful, not knocking any of those actions there. None of it is wrong. But if you go out into the community or the world to spread God's word or get others to turn from their wicked ways & come to the good side, then look at them & be offend of what they do, say or believe, just stop. Go back home & read up on how Jesus interacted with people. Jesus did not look down on the people. He came for them to know His Father & His Fathers love. He did not reject them because they did not live a perfect life.
If you are going out spreading the Word but are looking down on the people you are "helping". Just stop!! No one is receiving God's love from you. You actions are to make you feel good & you to build up yourself, that's not God's Word. That's you using God's Word for your own purpose.
Instead study how Jesus walked out His days going town to town. He came to show God's love & who His Father is. Not to build followers. Jesus did not go town to town looking for needy people to "help" so He would feel good about what He is doing or to feel good about Himself. It was never about Him. It was all about His Father & His Fathers love for each person in each town.
If you go out to build yourself up, your building your kingdom not God's Kingdom. If you are doing this & want to stop & need some help stopping the pattern, contact me.
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