Sunday, September 16, 2018


  Yes, Handshakes.   I may be a female & some males might be thinking "What does she know about hand shakes?!"   I may not know everything about them, but what I do known is apart of the core of them.    I'm married, have sons, have brothers, a dad & uncles.     Plus my own two eyes to taken in & watch others around me.  

  This is what I have gathered over the years.  Females are not required to shake hands.  But males are.   A handshake speaks louder than words & it will be the first impression about who you are.  Lots of pressure with a simple handshake.  

  My husband has taught my sons about handshakes.   My youngest son makes it a point to shake peoples hand when he meets them & when he leaves.  My family was at wedding & they met new folks.  People have remarked on the firm handshake my youngest gives.   The same remark was given again.  But one guy asked my son, "How was his hand shake?"   My young son stopped, looked at him & leaned towards me & asked me, "What do I do, it was not good?"   I told him to give the truth.  So he did.   The guy also told my son, he can handle the truth.  This got me thinking, why are there firm handshakes & not so good ones.   

  Reasons for a firm handshake: confidence.  A person has confidence in themselves.    They were taught to give firm handshake.   Reasons for a not so good hand shake: lack of confidence in self,  lack of info on a firm handshake. Are  the dads not in the picture to teach & pass down information to their sons?   Men are the ones to truly teach on handshakes.  I'm not saying I know all on the subject.  I also know that handshakes have a fine line of a firm one & the squeeze & hurt the person.  The one that goes over the fine line of firm speaks about the person giving more than the one receiving. 

  I rejoice in the fact I don't have to take part in handshakes.  I like having the options, to take part or not.  In different cultures things are done different,  I get that.  Not passing judgement on anyone about their cultures or handshakes.   I just want you to think about your self confidence level & what message you are putting out in front of you.  Is it one describing who you are?  

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