Sunday, September 2, 2018

Flower vs Weed

  Flower vs Weed.... what are the difference that makes it one or the other?   Who decides what is what?  What is the purpose of a flower or a weed?   In the Bible it talks about flowers more than weeds. 

  A flower is seen as value, beauty,  enjoyment & is wanted.  A weed you see as useless, bothersome, a pain to get rid of  & not much value.    Do we view people the same way as a flower or a weed?  

  A flower & a weed has simpler life cycle: seed, growth, bloom & wither away to start all over.  Both have their own seasons.  Both have their own reason for growth. 

  In the Bible the flower is used more than a weed.  The flower is described as life, beauty, decorations in different structures on the Tabernacle.   A weed is described as just a plant, it is just there.   Do you want to be a flower or a weed?  

  A flower is the state of a bloom or flourishing, to develop & has value.   A weed is a plant that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants.    How are you being a flower in the world?  Or are you a weed?  

  If you find yourself more like a weed & want to be more like a flower in the world, contact me.

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