Sunday, September 9, 2018

Journey vs Path

  Journey vs Path....  what is the difference between them?  They do sound like they would be the same thing.  Everyone has been on/going on/ is on a journey.   We all have been on/going on/ is on a path. 

   The difference between both is that one is wide open & the other is more structured.   How do you tell the difference  on which one you are on?  

  Journey is to see if you have the heart to do more than the bare minimum.   Journey is something you are on to see if you will make choices to go further.  A journey is a passage from place to another. 

   A path is marked out already,  a way that is formed by repeated footsteps.    A path has been traveled before by someone or by you, a track constructed for a use.  You still make choices, but you can see a pathway after your choice.    

   We all go down both during our lives.  Where are you now, journey or path?  If you need help with either one, contact me.

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