Sunday, September 30, 2018


  Let's imagine when we are born we all start at zero or a flat line.   As we grow, learn different things & our parents pour into us life giving lessons that will make us into the adults we are today.  That would be an upper-ward climb on the hill of life & who we are or zero starts becoming positive growing numbers.   

  Sometimes we don't get what we need at different stages in life & that would make a deposit in the negative or make a hole in us.   Life comes with different problems for us to face & that can make more of a hole in us or help us climb the hill of life.  

  If you are taught to give & not receive or to put others first & not to tend to yourself, that could add to the negative or the hole.  If you have relationships that you are life giving & not receiving life back, that feeds the negative/hole.  How can we stop feeding the negative, stop digging the hole?

    Some of us don't realize we are standing in the negative or a hole, because that is where you have been all your life.  Some may see their in the hole but don't know how to get out.  It can feel like waves crashing on us repeatedly  & you can not get  firm footing to stand to move.

  If you are in a hole & want out, contact me,  I can help point you out of the hole.  

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

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