Sunday, June 25, 2017


This post ties in with Adam & Eve post.  In Matthew 26:39,42 shows us how Jesus submitted to God. Jesus trusted God in what God had planned & had for Jesus.   Jesus knew what laid before Him, asked God if there was another way, but He only wanted God's will.   

In Ephesians 5:22, Wives are told to submit to their husbands as to the Lord.  The Geek definition for submit in that verse is "Voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility & carrying a burden".   The wives are not to be in a slave submission, but a voluntary submission.  She gets to pick if she will submit.  It's not just once you get to decide to submit, marriage gives you many chances to submit.   

In Genesis 2:24 Adam & Eve were called  "one flesh" since they were married.   Should one body fight itself? Or should all the working parts work together as a team to get things done.   A team has one captain, to make the final decision.  

This post is not going to talk about what the husband needs to be doing.  It's not going to refer to what if he.....fill in the blank.   This is just referring to the simple word submit & what the Bible as referring to.   Submit has had a negative surrounding it.  

If you are having problems submitting in your life ask yourself a couple of questions, Do you trust him?  Do you respect & honor him?  What are you afraid of?  Once you have the answers there you will be able to move forward.  

Next post will be on the Help Meet. Yes, meet not mate.  

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