Sunday, June 18, 2017

Adam & Eve

Most of us know the story of Adam & Eve.  For those who don't, it's in the Bible in Genesis.  I have read this many times myself & have had many discussions with other people about it.   I have missed or over looked a simple but powerful verse.   I came across the verse while looking into another subject but the two go together.   As I dug for wisdom & knowledge on the subject matter,  I was lead to start sharing what I found.   I understand that this may upset/offend some or even many.   But before you decide not to read anymore or give me a piece of your mind, read it to the end & read all of it.  Keep in mind there will be many posts on this load subject.  Let's start!!!!!!

The verse that was brought to new light to me was Genesis 3:16.  It's the curse Eve received from God, that was brought on my her own choices.  The first curse is "increased pain in childbearing, with pain you will give birth to children."  The second curse is "your desire will be for your husband & he will rule over you". 

In Genesis God gave dominion over the earth & everything in it to Adam.  God also made Eve as a help meet for Adam, Genesis 2:18.  Make notice it is meet & not mate.  Other post will talk about that in the near future.    

Eve was created to be an equal with Adam.   Because of her choices God then placed Adam above her.   Some may say she was misled by the serpent, that was Eve's plea to God too.  Eve also informed the serpent what God said about the fruit from the trees in the garden. The rules were clear when she made her choice to eat from the tree of  the knowledge of good and evil in the garden.  Adam was aware of the rule also & he made his choice to take the fruit from Eve.    

With the choice that was made by Eve, God placed Adam as the head in their marriage, making them no longer equals.   Yes, at one point in time man & women were 100% equal.  With Adam now the head of the relationship with Eve, he does not have the right to have her be abused in any way.  She is still the gift from God to be his Help Meet.  That is still the same.  

Being the head has lots of responsibilities, it's not a free pass to rule over everything & do what you want to make yourself happy.  God made Adam to take care the earth & everything in it.  Eve fits in that too.  Adam is to take care of Eve.   

Eve is to submit herself to Adam now.  There's the other word that causes a lot of feathers to be ruffled.  Submit!!!!  Yes, I said it.    Submit has had a lot of negative attached to it.   I will have a near future post on that.    

I want to encourage everyone to do their own digging on these subject matters.  Don't just take my word for it.   Happy Digging!!!!

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