Sunday, July 2, 2017

Help Meet

The posts Adam & Eve/Submit are tied in with this post.   In Genesis 2:18 God made a Help Meet for Adam, which was Eve.  Eve was an opposite of Adam.   God created Eve different from Adam.  Adam was made in the wild, out of dust.  God made Eve in the beautiful garden & from a rib, from Adam.  Eve is the opposite of Adam, that came from Adam.  Eve was spiritual equal to Adam.

God called Eve a Help Meet.    What is a Help Meet?   Is it the same as a Help Mate?    I did some digging.  I hope you do your own too!!  The definitions I have found help shed light on to the verse.  

Help Meet means suitable helper, equal help. One who assist another.    Help Mate is a person who is a companion & helper, that is from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.   Suitable  from Genesis 2:18 refers to strength, to be strong, fit for.  

Eve was created suitable for Adam.  Adam was to name & tend to the garden. Eve was to be by his side for Adam.   One day in the garden Eve ate from the tree of Good & Evil, as a result of that was cursed.  Part of the curse Adam was to ruler over her.   Eve need to be cared for.  Eve is still to be the help meet for Adam, but with Adam to rule over her.  

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