Sunday, February 26, 2017


Have you been betrayed?

Betrayal can level deep hurts & open doors for you to not trust.  
After someone has betrayed you, how do you deal with it?  Do you never talk to the person, confront them for what was done & seek justice for what was done?   Or do you go as far as seek revenge? 

I hope you don't seek revenge.  That can add more to the problem. How do you move pass the hurt, anger, bitterness & unforgiveness?  
We need to look at are we happy in the spot we are & do we want to be in a different spot.  Some say time can heal the hurt.  Not in all cases.  Time can make it grow & consume us.  

How can we move forward from feeling the hurt, anger, bitterness & unforgiveness?   Facing the pain is the first step.  It is ok to feel our emotions.   We may not want to act on our emotions that is where we can get into trouble if we do.  

Do you know the names of the emotions you are feeling?   If we don't that can be overwhelming.  Then the brain shuts down & we are unable to move forward.  Once we label our emotions, our brain is able to make connections to help us move forward.   

How can we label the emotions if we don't know what they are?  Very easy, we talk with a person who can be trusted who is safe & gentle.   Describing to the person what you are feeling, they can help give language for it.  

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