Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stuck & Not Sure How To Move Forward

Stuck & Not Sure How To Move Forward?

Feel like all you do is spin your wheels & no matter what you do, your still in the same spot?!
There are patterns in our thinking, actions & life that keeps us stuck.  Or there are principles in life we are not following so we are stuck.  Principles can be the grease for the forward motion

First make a list of areas where there is no forward motion.   What have you tried to get motion?  Does anyone else in the family have same problem?

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

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