Sunday, May 7, 2017

Routine Health Check Up

After a routine health check up, I got the call.   They want to run more tests cause the found 2.2cm of something & not sure what it is.  And from now on, I'll have to get a yearly mammogram. When you receive basic information with little to no details what is going on with your body, is very frustrating.

What do you do?  Little or no information to know what is going on with your body.   It's a huge waiting game till more tests can be ran.  Then you can feel like a guinea pig.   Plus all the different emotions that come flooding in.  Your head can start to spin.   This a good time to stop, take a great big breathe & relax.  No matter what the test results are, you gotta look at all the emotions that are flooding you.  

The emotions can be overwhelming.  But once you face them & deal with them, the rest will fall in to place.  I had a great support group.  My family & friends gathered around me, prayed for me & went with me to appointments.  No reason to face any problem by yourself.   

After one test for me, everything came back to be nothing.  Yes, nothing!!   Very relieved & grateful, prayers worked.  I can look forward to my once a year mammogram.  Even though there was nothing found after farther looking, I still get the once a year mammogram.  

Who do you have in your support group?  

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