Sunday, May 14, 2017

Edge of the Storm Part 3

In part 1 & 2,  I wrote about gaze a little & trust.   In part 3 I'm going to be touching base on gaze & walking in peace.   

What to have your gaze on while walking in peace?  In Genesis 43, Joseph was living in Egypt away from his family.   He was working for the Pharaoh.   Joseph went through a lot different storms to get to the place he was at.   He was in charge of the food storage.  Joseph's family came to Egypt looking for food since their home land was having a famine.   In verses 23 Joseph was greeting his brothers.  

Genesis 43:23 King James Version (KJV)

" And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money. And he brought Simeon out unto them."   

The peace that he is referring to means burdens.  His family hit hard times.  God had a master plan  that lead up to this point in time.  At this point, Joseph had food to share with his family so they would not go hungry.   Joseph had to go through a bunch of different storms to get that point in time. 

For Joseph to get through all the storms, he had to keep his gaze locked on God & trust that God  had a plan for him & all that he needed was taken care of.  Joseph was faced with chances to let his peace go.  Joseph kept his gaze on God, kept his peace & feared not.  Joseph only had God & himself during his storms.    

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