Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unconditional Love

  Unconditional love, what is it?  Do you give unconditional love?    Does your love have strings attached to it?  

  How do you know you have unconditional love?  The love you have, do you have to do anything for it?  Does anyone have to do anything for you for your love?

  What is the meaning of unconditional love?
Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism or complete love.

  If you have to do anything to receive love or if anyone has to do anything to receive love from you, that's not unconditional love.   Unconditional love just flows from you & excepts nothing in return.  It's a pure love.

  Pure love that flows from you to all people no matter the color, gender, age, behavior (doesn't mean you agree with the behavior, just that you still love the person),  or anything else that makes up people. 

  Unconditional love does not stop because we can not see eye to eye on the same subject matter.  It's ok to disagree & still get along,   "The root of unconditional love is understanding and forgiveness", (   Another example is found in the Bible, Jesus.  Jesus gave unconditional love to every person in every town. 

  I pray that you have unconditional love & it flows through you freely!

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