Human Trafficking is a very heavy topic to talk about. Some may not want to talk about it & some even deny it is happening around where they live. Sad to say it is all around us. Yes, even in the United States, it's just not another country far way or what horror films are made of.
My family & church family have been praying & trying to bring this darkness into light. I'll be sharing a lot of links to information either about it or where you can go for help if you are in it or know someone who is involved it will be later in this blog post.
There is hope in this dark problem. There is help. We all can make a difference. It's not just about the victims who are locked into this. But the people who hold the victims prisoners & the people who buy the victims. We can pray for them all. There is help for them all. I know it is hard to not want death to those who imprison the victims & for those who buy the victims. I'm not saying they get off Scott Free. But I'm saying let's get to the root of the problem.
Getting to the root of the problem will help end this. How do we view life & lives?! How do we value each other? It's just a start.
Here's a link to Focus on the Family. They have some bible verses that talk about human trafficking.
Here are the links on Human Trafficking, some are info on it & some are help links.
Description of what it is:
Exodus Cry info:
Help Links:
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