Sunday, November 26, 2017

Common Cold

Common Cold,  how do you deal with it?

When we feel like our bodies are fighting off a cold we do a few things.  What do you do to help your body stay health or fight off a cold or get rid of one or lessen the suffering of a cold? 

At my house we do our best to get plenty of rest, good healthy diet & fresh air.  But when we get run down or come across someone who shares their germs with us we have a few good things we do.   

The first is pray, we thank God for good health.   Then we address the discomforts of the cold by, plenty of water, chicken broth, rest, pain relief for aches & pains, stock up on Kleenex & warm baths or showers.  Then to help our bodies to fight we drink elderberry tea, Eucalyptus/peppermint tea, lemon/ginger tea,  elderberry lozenges, honey, spicy stuff to eat, apple cider vinegar & Vernors (cause we are from Michigan), vitamin C is increased, so is zinc.   Some rare times a little whiskey in the hot lemon tea & honey for the extreme sore throats to get relief.   We even get some air aromas going too!  

We use what works for us.  Of course it works for us, if it didn't we would not use it!!   This is just what we use for the common cold.   We may not use all of it at once, all depends on how the cold wants to hit.  The kids are not a fun of the tea's.   But they drink it know, they rather drink tea than have a lasting cold.    

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

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