Sunday, April 9, 2017

Edge Of The Storm Part 2

One of my first post was called Edge of the Storm.   Psalms 23 speaks about that.  The first verse speaks of "I shall not be in want."  Want what does that word mean...... I went digging. 

Want in Psalms 23:1 refers to lack, to fail, have need.  If we are on the "Edge Of A Storm" we are faced with trusting God to have us covered, our needs are provide for or are we going to meet our own needs & do it all our self.   Trust is not easy thing to have when your world is about to be turned upside down & may not look the same after the storm. 

Trust is a big issue for some.  After different events in life it can be very hard to trust this God that you can not call or text on the phone.  To build trust can be a leap of faith at times.   I'm here to say ever time I trusted God, God was there for me.  I was not forsaken.   I was not looked over or passed by.  God was there for me.  God covered my needs. 

Many of us don't know the difference between a need & a want.  Some get them reversed.    Take time to review your needs/wants.  Is there any needs on your list that you feel are not taken care of?  Are you willing to trust God with your needs?  

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

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