It's been awhile since I have made a post. I have been dealing with vertigo from my last ectopic pregnancy a year ago. As I made progress with the vertigo through physical therapy & vision therapy, I have had a set back from life events. It was just a set back but able to move forward still. Then an ear infection hit, which cause more dizziness & vertigo stuff. Ear infection did not want to leave without a good fight. Still working on healing from that.
With having vertigo for a year straight, I have had to learn how to do normal stuff without stirring up vertigo or I had to find the limit of where vertigo would start. It's a hit & miss. Normal activity has became a difficult progress to do. For example typing out this blog is taking me days to do. I'm unable to be on the computer for to long or read for more than 20 minutes a day. After the 20 minutes I'm done & need a nap to recover. Lots of naps have been taken in the past year.
Vertigo has changed my life. I have to stop & think about if it will cause dizziness, or how long can I do it before vertigo stirs up, is it worth the energy & time to invest in, how long will recovery take after doing something. These are only a small fraction of questions to think through when dealing with vertigo. Then the effects of vertigo tossed in with every day life stuff. Then if anything else is tossed in on top of that. All can be a bit overwhelming while learning how to deal with vertigo & praying it goes away as fast as it hit.
Then trying to explain to people you know what is going on with ya & why you can no longer do the things you use to. And not get depressed by what you can no longer do & not sure if you will be able to do it ever again. Feeling like your not yourself but you still have the desires to do all of it. Is very frustrating, overwhelming, depressing, exhausting, angry are just to mention a few emotions to deal with.
Having to deal with all the emotions plus the physical of vertigo is one crazy mess. Having people to support you & to help you through it all is life saving. If you are dealing with vertigo I hope you have a good support system around you to help you deal with the emotional stuff & the physical stuff.
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