Sunday, October 28, 2018

More on Adam & Eve

  Let's just jump into it!!   In the Bible, God created Adam & Eve. First God created the world then Adam to tend to the world then created Eve.    God created Adam capable to run the world all by himself.   Adam had everything he need to do so.   God created Eve so Adam was not lonely & they could mate to make more of their kind, just like the rest of creation.  

   Eve was not created to save Adam from being over worked or tell him what to do.  Eve was created for a sole purpose.  Eve was not Adam's savior from the world.    Adam was made complete to run the world without extra help from Eve.   

  Ladies look at your relationship with your guy.   Are you over stepping your bounds, thinking you are "helping out"?   God created your guy to be able to handle it all!   Review how you are doing things. Are you slowing down your guy by doing it all for him?  If you need help reviewing yourself, contact me.

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