Sunday, December 10, 2017

Standing In Judgement

Do you stand in judgement over someone?   How is that going for  ya?  Do you see & feel a healthy relationship growing between you & that person?   Are you having trouble "helping" a person be better?  Are you just trying to help someone & all there is more trouble?   

Did the person you are standing in judgement over ask you to judge them?  Did they ask for your opinion over/in their lives?  Or did you just give it?  Are you standing in judgement over someone because you care about them or does it make you feel better?    

What is in your heart for that person you are standing in judgement?  Is your judgement really helping or just driving more of a wedge between you?   So is standing in judgement really working? 

How do you want to change the way you are doing things?  Did you really want to have a relationship with that person?  So you really want to help this person?  Or are you just doing what you do to feel better about yourself?   What is the reason for your actions?   Are you on a high horse?

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

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