Sunday, December 31, 2017


Are you having problem communicating with any one or everyone?  No matter how hard you try it just is not working & is adding to a bigger problem?   The problem could be girl vs boy language or something else.   Do you know how to tell the difference?   How do you fix the problem?

Communication is a skill that can be learned at any age,  not everyone knows of the skills, or they only know part & some do know all of the skills.    No matter where you fit in that, communication can be tricky when trying to communicate with others, whom may be at different levels of communication.   

Do you know how to keep communication going when you & the other person don't see eye to eye on a subject matter, when emotions tend to be high or you don't care for what is being talked about?  How do you keep communication going?

To communicate is to get someone to understand what you are thinking & feeling.  To communicate is not to get them to go a long with whatever you are thinking & feeling, but to understand where you are coming from & they are doing the same with you.    

Remember your opinion/thought/feelings/emotions are all yours & not everyone else.  We can all have our own & still be able to communicate with each other & not have relationship break downs. 
Communication works best when everyone is not over flowing with their emotions.  All of the relationship wiring in your head needs to be up & running.   Our emotions, when over flowing, can get in the way of this.  

If you like to learn about better communication, contact me.

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

Donations are not tax deductible.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!   Hope this day is filled with love, peace & joy for you & your family.    We hope you get what you wanted under the tree.   From all of us to all of you!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Dry Winter Air

What to do when the winter air is dry.  Your skin is drying out, cracking, flaking & itchy. Your hair is frizzing, dry, static filled, flying away & not lying flat? 

You can spend tons of money & time on product to put on your skin & hair.  Sometimes finding the right product for your her problem & type of hair you have.   I found that some of the products out there "fixed" the one problem but made another.   So what do we do then?

I researched & tried different stuff.  In my research I found some good tips to apply to me at least, but will share in case you had no idea about them.

First tip: Turn the temp on the shower water down.   I understand the  need for a hot hot shower.  I have been there.   But for the hot hot shower time keep your hair out of it.   With the cooler temps it will help with the itch dry skin.   

Second tip: After the shower towel dry your hair & add a little oil.  Yes, oil!!  You can use olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil, just for some examples.  When you use oil, please start with a very small amount, you can add more as you go.   Start with the ends & work your way up from there. I keep the oil away from my scalp. I don't need extra oil there.  I needed it at my ends & up from there.  Comb or brush your hair from the ends & work your way up.   This will help spread it through your hair. Rub the oil in your hands to put it on your hair.   Then you can spread it on your face if you needed it there or other places on your body.

Third tip: Have a spray bottle with water in it, in the bathroom.   I spray water on my dry hair to help get rid of the dry frizz fly away & then style it.   Then through my day, when I go to use the bathroom after I wash my hands, I use the water from my hands, I apply it to my hair.  The reason for the touch ups is great because my hair is getting dried out during the day & needs a little refreshing drink.

Fourth tip: Wash hair less!  And skip the conditioners. Conditioners may be adding to your problem.   Over washing stripes the natural hair oil from your hair & dries it out.  

Fifth tip: Skip the blow dryer.  If you must use it, use the lower heat temp for a shorter time.  If you use the curling Irons, Flat Irons etc. it's drying out our hair.  I understand you use them for styling your hair.    Look into different hair styles that don't use them.    Youtube different hair styles, you'll be surprised how many videos are out there, type in your hair length & hair do's!!

Sixth tip: Give your hair a break from being styled & everything else you might do to your hair & let it rest a day or two at least a week.   Wear it down, or put a scarf/bandana on it! 

Seventh tip: What are you eating to build up your hair from the inside out.  It will help your skin too!  Drink lots of water!  Balanced healthy diet will help your whole body & heath. 

Don't look for results to happen overnight.   Some damage might take time to repair your hair & fix the problems.  I did not touch to much on skin care.  These tips can help some with the dry skin in the winter.  Some skin problems may need a little different care & help.  It's a little starting point for skin care.   Enjoy your journey to healthier hair & skin.

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

Donations are not tax deductible.

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Principles, here are some descriptions from Merriam Webster Dictionary:


  • a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions
  •  a basic truth or theory : an idea that forms the basis of something
  •  a law or fact of nature that explains how something works or why something happens
Here is a definition of principle:
1 a : a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption
b (1) : a rule or code of conduct

(2) : habitual devotion to right principles

  • a man of principle

c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device

2 : a primary source : origin

3 a : an underlying faculty or endowment

  • such principles of human nature as greed and curiosity

b : an ingredient (such as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality

4 capitalized, Christian Science : a divine principle : god

— in principle

: with respect to fundamentals

  • prepared to accept the proposition in principle

Principles are your foundation from which you grow from, make decisions from & form your ideas, beliefs & emotions.   What are yours?  Are you living lined up with your principles?  How are your goals in life, are they from your principles?   

Where do you get your principles from?  Is it handed down from your family?  Religious base?  Books you have read?  What you learned from your schooling?  

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

Donations are not tax deductible.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Standing In Judgement

Do you stand in judgement over someone?   How is that going for  ya?  Do you see & feel a healthy relationship growing between you & that person?   Are you having trouble "helping" a person be better?  Are you just trying to help someone & all there is more trouble?   

Did the person you are standing in judgement over ask you to judge them?  Did they ask for your opinion over/in their lives?  Or did you just give it?  Are you standing in judgement over someone because you care about them or does it make you feel better?    

What is in your heart for that person you are standing in judgement?  Is your judgement really helping or just driving more of a wedge between you?   So is standing in judgement really working? 

How do you want to change the way you are doing things?  Did you really want to have a relationship with that person?  So you really want to help this person?  Or are you just doing what you do to feel better about yourself?   What is the reason for your actions?   Are you on a high horse?

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

Donations are not tax deductible.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Freedom VS Slavery

To start with, here are some Bible verses to think about.
Bible verse on it- 
1 Corinthians 7:22 (NIV)" For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave."-refers to spiritual & natural freeman.   

Leviticus 19:20(KJV) 
" And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free."

Definition of each one- 
Freedom from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 
1 :the quality or state of being free: such as  
a :the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action  
b :liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another :independence  
c :the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous  
  • freedom from care 
d :ease, facility  
  • spoke the language with freedom 
e :the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken  
  • answered with freedom 
f :improper familiarity  
g :boldness of conception or execution  
h :unrestricted use 
2 a :a political right  

Slavery from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 
1 :drudgery, toil  
2 :submission to a dominating influence  
3 a :the state of a person who is a chattel of another  
b :the practice of slaveholding  

Now ask yourself which one do you live by? Are you living like a slave or walking in freedom? 

If what I offer here is relevant to you in any way, please consider donating. As I tend to my family (disabled hubby and homeschooled kids) I write in my free time. No knitting here but I love Taco Bell now and then and your donations help keep the spicy food coming. Every donation is appreciated!!!

Donations are not tax deductible.