Sunday, August 13, 2017

What's In A Name?

Do you know what your name means?  Are you named after a family member? Is it after a couple family members or a combo of names?  Do you feel like you are living up to your name? Do you like your name? Do you know why your parents picked your name?

Did you know sometimes one name may have different means?  It depends on the origins it came from.  Some names may have different spellings. Example: Teressa has different was to spell it & different forms of it, Tessa & Tracy.   

There are different ways to find out about your name, talking with family members, getting a baby name book that has names & meanings or checking it out on the web.  

Some people have middle names. Middle names have meaning too.  Sometimes they go together & meaning the same thing.  Sometimes it is different.   Don't forget the last name.  Check in to what your last name mean & what the maid name of your mom or grandmothers name means.  How far back can you trace your family name? 

Knowing more about your name can help you know who your are.   How do you see your name? Do you want your name  to be a legacy? 

Here is a web site that talks about people hating their name.  They even done a poll on who hates/dislikes their name. They even stated, "People with high self-esteem tend to like their name." Check it out.

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