Sunday, August 6, 2017


Rahab was labeled as a prostitute, some say she was not a prostitute but an innkeeper, single business woman & some even say she was an ancestor to Jesus.  This is not a debate on any of that.  You can do your own digging on that & make your own opinion on that.

Rahab was a Canaanite woman, that lived in the city wall in Jericho.   The Book of Joshua tells the story about her.  Canaanites practiced many things that did not line u with God.  God was sending Joshua & an army to Jericho.  Joshua sent 2 spies to the city to look it over.  

The stories of what God did in Egypt & through the desert the people of Jericho heard & were very afraid.   The Canaanites did not believe in God, they had their own beliefs.   But the believed what was told to them on what had happen.  

When the King of Jericho heard about the spies staying at Rahab's, he sent messengers to Rahab.  The King wanted the men to be brought out.   Rahab hid the spies, told the messengers that they missed the spies & they went out of the city & she gave false directions to them.   

Rahab went to the 2 spies & plead for her life & her families life for helping the spies.   The spies agreed to show her & her family kindly & faithful when the Lord gives them the land.   Rahab helped them out of the city & told them which way to go to avoid the ones who are pursing them.

Rahab, Canaanite woman, had her own beliefs, religion & rituals that she & her family followed. The only time she heard of God is the stories from Egypt, she did not know of God's law or love.  But when she heard of the stories what God could do, she was in fear of God & believed in His power.  Rahab believed in God without knowing Him.  Rahab moved on faith that she need to plea for herself & her family lives.  

God remembered Rahab for for faith & not her profession.  God often uses people with simple faith to accomplish His great purpose.  No matter your past, God is not holding you down because of it. Don't let your past stop you now.  God can & will use you in His perfect plans.  Rahab didn't let her past stop her from being apart of God's plan.   

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