Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sleep Apnea

Are you feeling like you don't get enough sleep even if you go to bed at a normal time & sleep for at least 8 hours a night?  Do you wake up in the night?   If you think you may have Sleep Apnea talk with your doctor right away.

 Sleep Apnea can lead to different health problems.   Besides being exhausted all the time, it can be hard to stay a wake during the day.  It can effect your relations, education & or job.   Your doctor can help you with setting you up with a sleep test study.  It's painless & can help the doctors know how to care for you better.  

When I talked to my doctor about it, I was shocked at all that is connected with sleep & my health.  The small warning signs that I over looked to the hello bigger signs.  I thought I might have moderate Sleep Apnea.  After talking with my doctor he said I was looking pretty severe with Sleep Apnea.  Onward for the sleep testing & may have to do a study during the day too.  All depends on how the sleep study test goes.    

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