Update on the CBD OIL how it is working for me. I have had less events. Any major events have not wiped me out for days or a week. Its about a couple of hours to a day of recovery time. Still having problems with the body temperature of overheating for no reason. Hopefully the longer I take the CBD Oil it will help with that.
I have had more energy. I have been able to walk with a friend at our local park 3 times a week, able to do a little more around the house too. Able to help in the kitchen more. Still need breaks with all that stuff, but making good improvements. Having to take less naps during the day. Starting to have less brain fog. Now the brain fog only comes on after doing stuff. It's not always on & having to fight through it. Just when brain gets used a lot.
My improvements might be slow, but they are improvements. Hoping the longer I am using the CBD Oil the more improvements I will have.
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