Sunday, July 10, 2022

Health Improvements with CBD Oil Updates


I got my test results from my doctor after using Full Spectrum CBD Oil for a few months.  My doctor was pleased with the results. My white blood counts are almost to normal range.  The count stopped climbing & came down.  My energy level is a lot higher.  The doctor told me to keep taking it & to get my husband on it.  

I started my husband on it.  My husband has had improvements. He was able to not take his pain killers & muscle relaxers for two days. Plus he had more energy.  Sad to say, he over did it & had to take the pain killers & muscle relaxer for a day.  But as he has more relief, he can build his body back up.  It will take some time.  

I had a friend visit me for a few days.  We were hanging outside a bit.  I ended up having a bigger Meneire's event.   When I was visiting with another one of my friends house, I got slammed with a migraine, nausea & ear pain.  The dizzy spell was creeping up on me. Thank God I was only 5 minutes from my house.  I got home, told my husband what was going on.  He helped me to start to get everything under control.  Ginger, ice pack for my head, tea for my ear, AC on, shades pulled, CBD Oil. With in a couple of hours, I was back to "normal".  This is a big deal!!!

Normally after a major event with Meneires I'm out for a couple of days if not a week, trying to recover.  The CBD Oil is making a big difference on recovery time with major event.  I will take it easy for the next day, just to make sure things are going in the right direction.  I didn't have to take the anti puke pills that put me in a deep sleep for a day then into a zombie.  I got to skip all that!!  

As I take the CBD Oil longer, I will do my best to keep you all posted on how things are going.  If any of this is helpful, let me know by donating. There is a button on the side.