Sunday, May 8, 2022

Meneire's & CBD Oil update


  Update on the CBD Oil, I ran out & had a few bigger events of Meneire's.  I'm back on it & I'm upping the dosage.  So far I have noticed more benefits for Meneire's with using the CBD Oil more.   It has helped with some of my other aches & pains also.   I have noticed more relief for the nausea with the increased dosage.  During the night, I woke up with nausea, took some of the CBD Oil & went back to bed, didn't have to use the anti barf pills.   

  With the CBD OIL helping with the nausea, that will make me be able to take less of the anti barf pills, that make me sleepy to the point of deep sleep where I sit.  Then being a "zombie" the next day. 

  With less "zombie" time, I should be able to be more active.  If my activity cause me to be dizzy & nauseousness, I can use the CBD Oil for the nausea & just sit while the dizziness slows down.   

  My "more activity" is  just more moving around the house, doing normal chores. It's not the glorified fun yet.  Hopefully I will be able to get to the more glorified fun as I get a better handle on the Meneire's.   One step at a time.  

  My husband found some vertigo pills on amazon. We order it to see if it helps too.  I'll keep ya posted if it helps or not.    


  If any of this is helpful & would like to give a gift, there is a link on the side for paypal.  Thank you.