Sunday, September 4, 2022

After 5 Months on CBD Oil & Meneire's Disease Update


Update on the CBD OIL how it is working for me. I have had less events.  Any major events have not wiped me out for days or a week.   Its about a couple of hours to a day of recovery time.  Still having problems with the body temperature of overheating for no reason.   Hopefully the longer I take the CBD Oil it will help with that. 

I have had more energy.  I have been able to walk with a friend at our local park 3 times a week, able to do a little more around the house too.  Able to help in the kitchen more.  Still need breaks with all that stuff, but making good improvements.  Having to take less naps during the day.  Starting to have less brain fog.  Now the brain fog only comes on after doing stuff.  It's not always on & having to fight through it.  Just when brain gets used a lot. 

My improvements might be slow, but they are improvements.  Hoping the longer I am using the CBD Oil the more improvements I will have.  

If any of this was helpful to you or you just want to make a donation, there is a button on the side for that. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Health Improvements with CBD Oil Updates


I got my test results from my doctor after using Full Spectrum CBD Oil for a few months.  My doctor was pleased with the results. My white blood counts are almost to normal range.  The count stopped climbing & came down.  My energy level is a lot higher.  The doctor told me to keep taking it & to get my husband on it.  

I started my husband on it.  My husband has had improvements. He was able to not take his pain killers & muscle relaxers for two days. Plus he had more energy.  Sad to say, he over did it & had to take the pain killers & muscle relaxer for a day.  But as he has more relief, he can build his body back up.  It will take some time.  

I had a friend visit me for a few days.  We were hanging outside a bit.  I ended up having a bigger Meneire's event.   When I was visiting with another one of my friends house, I got slammed with a migraine, nausea & ear pain.  The dizzy spell was creeping up on me. Thank God I was only 5 minutes from my house.  I got home, told my husband what was going on.  He helped me to start to get everything under control.  Ginger, ice pack for my head, tea for my ear, AC on, shades pulled, CBD Oil. With in a couple of hours, I was back to "normal".  This is a big deal!!!

Normally after a major event with Meneires I'm out for a couple of days if not a week, trying to recover.  The CBD Oil is making a big difference on recovery time with major event.  I will take it easy for the next day, just to make sure things are going in the right direction.  I didn't have to take the anti puke pills that put me in a deep sleep for a day then into a zombie.  I got to skip all that!!  

As I take the CBD Oil longer, I will do my best to keep you all posted on how things are going.  If any of this is helpful, let me know by donating. There is a button on the side. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Health Improvements From CBD Oil


   I have been looking into different ways to get relief from Meneire's Disease for about 4 years.  I have tried different medicines, watching my salt in take,  physical therapy, but I did not go for the injections into my ear drum.   All that helped to a point.  

  With Meneire's Disease, I suffered with dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea, fatigue, parts of my face numb, hearing lost from time to time, super sensitive ears to noise, brain fog, headaches to full blown migraines, anxiety attacks & panic attacks.  Plus restless leg syndrome, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, aches & pains from other injuries in the past.  On top of dealing with all of that, the medicines that the doctors gave me to help relieve the nausea would give me a headache for a day or two after & a complete "zombie" mode after taking it.   

  To deal with all the it, sleep was the one thing I could do.   I was extremely tired of the cycle.  I started looking for other ways to deal with Meneire's Disease.  I talked with my doctor what he has seen to work with other people.   

  We talked about marijuana & CBD Oil.   He said, he has lots of people who use it & it helps.  He would suggest that I don't smoke it, but do the edibles or the oil, buy locally & the purest level I can afford.   So the hunt began.

  I researched into what would bring me relief from what I was dealing with.  The more I researched the more I was surprised on what it would help with.   I went to the local organic food store & looked over the products they offered.   I found one ounce bottle for $60.00, that was grown locally.   That would last about a week.  Then I was out for 3 weeks.   I found the Full Spectrum CBD Oil helped with a lot of my symptoms from Meneire's Disease plus the restless leg syndrome, aches & pains & started to have energy in the morning.  Still needed the naps in the afternoon.  So I planed my day accordingly.   

  Only feeling good for one week of the month, was not enough.   My pocket book could not afford $60 every week.   Back to more research on what I could do.   I came across ways to make your own CBD Oil.  Most of the ways you had to buy about $600 worth of equipment & then product to make it.  Once again I could not afford that.   So back to researching what I can do.   

  I found one guy making his own CBD Oil with what he had in his own kitchen.  I then researched some more on how I can make my own.   I needed simple steps, stuff  I already owned or could afford to buy, also with local product, to make it with that was affordable.  

  Fast forward to after I found everything I needed, made the CBD Oil & started using my own Full Spectrum CBD OIL & stronger than what I could afford from the store.   I was able to take it every day of the month!!   I noticed a huge difference in my health.  I had energy all day!!!   Aches & pains no more.  Nausea gone!!!  I had a normal appetite.  Dizziness is a lot less.   No headaches or migraines.   No restless leg syndrome!  Anxiety attacks gone, panic attacks gone!! Brain fog gone!!!!    

  My friends noticed the change in me after taking my homemade Full Spectrum CBD Oil for about a month.  I'm looking for forward to more health improvements as I take it for longer time.   I have a check up with my doctor this week.  I'm looking forward what differences he sees in me.    

  For my recipe & to see what I used to make my own Full Spectrum CBD Oil Click here to purchase .

 Because CBD Oil is not FDA approved, I have to know make this statement:

 This statement made regarding this product has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration).  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

  If any of this is helpful & would like to give a gift, there is a link on the side for paypal.  Thank you.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Meneire's & CBD Oil update


  Update on the CBD Oil, I ran out & had a few bigger events of Meneire's.  I'm back on it & I'm upping the dosage.  So far I have noticed more benefits for Meneire's with using the CBD Oil more.   It has helped with some of my other aches & pains also.   I have noticed more relief for the nausea with the increased dosage.  During the night, I woke up with nausea, took some of the CBD Oil & went back to bed, didn't have to use the anti barf pills.   

  With the CBD OIL helping with the nausea, that will make me be able to take less of the anti barf pills, that make me sleepy to the point of deep sleep where I sit.  Then being a "zombie" the next day. 

  With less "zombie" time, I should be able to be more active.  If my activity cause me to be dizzy & nauseousness, I can use the CBD Oil for the nausea & just sit while the dizziness slows down.   

  My "more activity" is  just more moving around the house, doing normal chores. It's not the glorified fun yet.  Hopefully I will be able to get to the more glorified fun as I get a better handle on the Meneire's.   One step at a time.  

  My husband found some vertigo pills on amazon. We order it to see if it helps too.  I'll keep ya posted if it helps or not.    


  If any of this is helpful & would like to give a gift, there is a link on the side for paypal.  Thank you.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Meneire's & CBD OIl

   With dealing with Meneire's for a few years now, I have tried different medicines to help deal with it.  I have came to the end of the different medicines, next step is to rise the dosage of the one I'm on now or go for the steroid shot in the ear drum.  So far I don't have to go that far.  I have noticed the other ear starting to show signs of Meneire's also.  

   I have been looking into more natural ways to help me with the Meneires's.  I started using CBD Oil.  I have researched & talked with my doctor about it.   My doctor said to get the highest quality I could afford & get it from a whole food store in town that can be trusted.   He has seen CBD Oil help a bunch of people that have different stuff going on with them than me.  I went to the store to see what was available & what I could afford.  

  I made a purchase, I started using the oil.  The first evening I started using it, I had to use some of my motion sickness pills during the night before, which makes me very tired for a few days.  Then I added some of the oil.  It made me very sleepy.  I had a very restful night.   

  I have not noticed any major differences,  but only been using the oil for two days.  I do have less ringing in my ears from time to time,  and less nausea.   

  I have noticed less body aches & pains in the morning after rolling out of bed, since taking the oil.  My restless leg syndrome is not as intense.  So the oil is helping my body in other areas besides the original reason for making the purchase.   

 I'm going to take the oil for at least a month to see if I have any major improvements with the Meneire's & do my best to keep all of you informed along the way.   

  If any of this is helpful & would like to give a gift, there is a link on the side for paypal.  Thank you.